barbie designs

this blog contains the first year projects of my design education ....... creating and channeling my artistic vision using the tool of programs on a computer is challenging and limitless... hope your enjoy this beginning and journey further on with me as my vision sharpens and develops....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Produce crate label 2

This is the second in my crate label series that has the most appealing composition. I enjoyed finding the varied text for subject. I used the pen tool, paintbrushes, smudge tool, gradient, effects and text tools.

Produce crate label 1

This project was to create a produce crate label for a fictional company,etc. We were able to use all the various techniques used in class: paintbrush, gradient, effects, textures, pen tools and text. The hardest part of project was choosing a type of produce. I enjoyed using all the varies photoshop techniques I learned to create this image.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Illustrated environmental poster

This poster was created for my Illustrator class for an environmental poster project. I chose to do a poster on bicycle commuting instead of driving. The many benefits include heart health, save money, reducing oil dependency and using body's energy. I used the pen tool, paint bucket and mesh tools. For the text I applied many effect to draw the text into the composition for directing the eye.

Neon sign

This is the second Neon sign assignment that was created entirely by my own design. This sign was also animated for true neon effect. I used the paintbrush tool with added warp and effects to create the images. The text was also enhanced using text effects to add a depth to them as part of sign.

St. Pattys card

This St. Patricks Day image was created using trace layers with paintbrush tools and text warp features. This image is always the first one I learned how to animate with.

Retro sign

This retro sign was the first neon sign created that was eventually animated for this project. I used an actual retro sign as a tracing layer for this image. I used a combination of paintbrush and pen tools.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fiesta poster dos

This was the second poster for the Fiesta project which I used very vibrant colors to indicate a celebration feeling. For the image I used the pen tool for the solid forms and the paintbrush tools to create texture. In the process I also used the eclipse tool for creation of egg shapes.